October 26, 2007

Day light robbery!

Day light robbery!

What a name for a title?Well, its the exact thing that's been going on around us(or rather around me lar!) Technically, if you go to a shop, the sellers want to make profit. In order to make profit, they would have to charge a price slightly higher then their total cost price. How high is dependent on what kind of market and competition its facing. If its perfect competition, then the price is set by the market value. Any higher charge by the sellers, they will make a lost. Hence they have to set the prices according to the MV. For other kinds of competition, some sellers might conned us by charging extra. Goodness, that's exactly how conned i feel each week or rather day when i stepped my foot in college. Why so?

Situation : Photocopying notes

Disatisfaction : Paying too much!

- I remember clearly in a levels...When we photocopy something real thick, it will never cost more than rm20 unless we are photostating the whole physics revision book in the library eg. Nelcon parker. I paid rm30 to get my frankwood photostated (consist of 400+ pages!) Well, what's classes without revising pastyears right? Accounting pastyears are alot but we are only required to photocopy half of that stack. Voluntarily someone wanted/eager on photocopying it for all of us.

Total number of pages : 193

How many printed : 150-160

How many cheap quality color paper : 8

How good is the binding : max price for comb binding is rm2.50(checked already from this expensive shop)

HOw good is the whole thing : Horrid cover- cheap low quality cover(rain splash..whole book die!)

knowing the photocopy shops...they normally give you a hard cover at the back(but this : NOOOO!)

Price : rm 22

My opinion :

1. 1 sheet should maxly cost rm0.10 (most expensive for photocopying - generally)

2. If so, 160 x rm0.10 = rm16.00 - k lar..not so kiam, i take 193 lar....rm0.10 x 193 = rm19.30

3. photocoping in large amount (more than 3000 pgs) should cost cheaper aka rm0.04-rmo.o5 per sheet(you guys who photocopy stuff know that right?Stef,ber?)

4. Where the extra money go? Are we paying for the person expenses? Is it right to charged us overpricely?

5. I asked for receipt as proof of purchase and payment - person : 'I think i lost it..or i duno where it went'(voice being all shaky,avoiding eye contact) - twice d.

How lar? I am so not rich okay! DAd is holding off my allowance saying i spend too much. I skip meals to save cash for next time hence paying the money sucking idiot! How to survive?

6. Idiot complaints whenever he has to photocopy notes(who ask you to volunteer?No one! ONly you yourself kpc!Tai seh!)

COnclusion : Im being daylight robbed! HELP me!

*How nice if it was like a levels, paying rm20 for a term supply of notes? Worth it. *

I seriously spend an average of rm20 on photocopying notes(all subjects included - minor few pages per subject, major : per subject)

My idea : Leave the notes in E&C with a code, Everyone collect themselves!(volunteer dont want, everyone agreed d....wtv man!)

* damn bloody net connection dont let me post up pictures!!!!argh!!!!!*

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