November 16, 2007



Its the weirdest two days of my life! haha! why so? My friend, A found this 'cute' guy (old looking to me lar).. She met him on the bus to wisma and she thinks he's really good looking and decided to stalk him all the way to his class. Coincidentally , we were having classes on the same floor as him the whole of WEdnesday. She patiently forever waiting in front of his classroom door(darn, i duno where to hide my face..lolz)

Even a mere glance at him makes her happy. Funny how she refuses to let me go up to the guy and get his number for her so they can be friends and then we can stop being forced to stalk him along with her!!!!XD Today, i came early to college, studied in the reading room. It was close to 10am, class was starting. As the doors of the reading room opens, the first person i saw was HIM! BEhind him was my friend. Boy was she happy that they were on the same bus again! And she said it was FATE that brought him to her(or so she claims!) Yes i am sounding rather evil fr crushing her dreams of being with him...MAn, how is he going to know her if all she do is walk behind him, wait for him outside???Oh well! ahahha! HillariousXD

WE caught his eye contact today. I was getting water and she just wanted to stalk him. He came out from the toilet and due to her weird acting...he stoned at us...(according to her, he was gazing at her and not me!) Fine by me actually, hahaa not interested! Man, he wears the same shirt that he wore on wed! EEEWWWWWW~!!!!!!!!


Hmm..I wonder why some people just dont bother replying smses! I mean, i do msg for fun at times but today was strictly business man! Ish! *annoyed!*


I am so sick and fed up of certain things that's been going on and on for quite some time. I have tried to 'tahan' it as much as i can and guess i cant anymore. Its too excessive and over all limits! I seem to be like a toy or a pet and always been taken advantage off. Blargh! I know im not great or anything but i sure dont deserve this treatment! I am human too. People make mistakes. Ego and pride will eat you slowly. Everytime im being placed in a position of not being able to say anything! Why????? I have the right too!!! ARgh! (not emo, just abit annoyed and been kept inside for quite some time!)

~~~~ FEd up!~~~~~~

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