November 14, 2009
Happy 21st Birthday Ting! :)
October 24, 2009
4th week in the running...
October 18, 2009
Left Malaysia on the 23rd of Sept at 2am. It took me exactly 24hours to reach London due to a long 6 hours delay. Initial flight was supposed to be 18 hours with 4 hours transiting time. Then we were urgent to the plane for boarding. The crew was mean enough to not less us off when they knew there was a long engineering work going on. We were in there for 3 solid hours before they realised that we should be boarded off for some compensation lunch just to wait another 3 hours before we depart dubai. What a horrible journey eh? When we arrived Heathrow, everyone was tired, not to mention having to queue for solid hour at immigration due to the massive load of passengers.
Next day, had to leave london for aber. Our london- Birm train arrived late so we missed the connecting train to aber by a minute and had to wait 2 hours for the next one. I'm just pretty much jinx aren't i? Thankfully all that is gone and behind us now!
Term started and its starting to get hectic, not to mention the frequent parties being organised in my house is driving me crazy if this continues this way! Urgh.. more rants later.. Not to mention no one seems to be reading my blog anymore..
September 20, 2009
2 days in counting!!!! :(
September 18, 2009
Current tiring trends >>> Should i just give up?
September 16, 2009
Too many things, too little time...
September 08, 2009
Revive Attempt 3 : Vietnam
August 28, 2009
Revive Attempt 2
August 15, 2009
Revive Attempt 1: After 2 months of deadness!
June 15, 2009
Off to the other side of the world? :)
June 05, 2009
May 14, 2009
April 23, 2009
T = BAD!
April 19, 2009
February 03, 2009
Oooh.. covered with snow :)
In shorts and t-shirt, I ran out to make a snowman while waiting for Vin to get home(he dint bring his key! lol)
Started of as this :
Final product :)
FAmily of 4 = proper snowman + alien looking snowman! hahaha!
Haha, u guys jealous yet? hehe! It was on the news that this is the first time in 18 years that it snowed this heavy or thick! Hee! Apparently, its forecasted to snow all week! XD awesome powsome! Looking forward to more snow angels and snowman projects! (will post this pictures once i get them from Vin)
January 05, 2009
Pisa, Italy
14/12/2008 - 15/12/2008
Departed from Leicester to Birmingham International at 3am.
Flew to Pisa from Birmingham at 6am. Arrived at Pisa about 10am - italian time (9am uk time). Got on a bus, a lady told us to get off at a wrong stop, had to hunt for the B&B (which surprisingly is the same one that jeff stayed when he went to Pisa - Lol) - i guess because it is the cheapest? And though it looks bit off outside, the inside was lovely (sorry for the lack of pictures, cant seem to find them.. i think its on my facebook though, so check the pisa album there ya! ) After checking in, we decided to take a walk around pisa to the leaning tower and soon after that lunch! Everyone was pretty much a zombie for the day due to the lack of sleep! haha!
Pisa, Italy!
Me, Mei and Dan(with the leaning tower behind us)
Group shot minus Ivan with the leaning tower(sorry for it being dark, was the weather that day)
Boxers?(with er.... interesting pictures!) - it was all over pisa! hahaha!
Hunted animals on sale! (cruel!real! and cute maybe?)
Hunted animal head! (eekS!)
Lucca(in Pisa)
After a slight rest in our rooms after lunch, we headed of to Lucca by train and spent the evening there. Everyone was dead tired that few people was snorring on the train while getting there ( we were worried that we might have missed the stop since everyone was sleeping! haha!) Got back on the train about 8ish? Then went around pisa(somewhere nearby the B&B) for dinner - which was not as fantastic as i thought! got ripped off a little :( Head back home for some card games and snoozeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddd.... since our beloved venice trip await us the next morning! XD