Its snowing!!! Its snowing!!!
It started of snowing in London when we arrived at about 12.30pm. Walked to chinatown (pictures post up later),met dan's cousin + lunch, went to trafalgar square for the chinese new year festival = freezing cold!, went to startbucks to have a HOT cup of coffee + chill and relax, met Vien, went back to her place, met her housemates (some of them were my old college mates) , went for dinner and finally, head back to Leicester. We arrived at about 1am (yes, NEVER travel on SUNDAYS! because it is always longer due to railway work!)
We then discovered that Leicester was actually white! Played around bit with the snow :)
Leicester, 1am - snowing! (considered light snow if compared to what i realised the next day = picture below)
Oooh.. covered with snow :)
In shorts and t-shirt, I ran out to make a snowman while waiting for Vin to get home(he dint bring his key! lol)
Started of as this :
Final product :)
FAmily of 4 = proper snowman + alien looking snowman! hahaha!
Haha, u guys jealous yet? hehe! It was on the news that this is the first time in 18 years that it snowed this heavy or thick! Hee! Apparently, its forecasted to snow all week! XD awesome powsome! Looking forward to more snow angels and snowman projects! (will post this pictures once i get them from Vin)
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