May 14, 2009


Its the season again. The season every student fears!!!! The season every student try so hard to stop procrastinating and be hardworking! Gah.. I hate the exams! STress Stress!!!! 

I'm so stressed up because i'm not stressed up enough! I'm still procrastinating so greatly! Yikes! Exams are less than a week, im still in leicester(trying to go home but stupid trains- will explain later on) , have yet to study any of my subjects due next week! First time, i'm actually so so so so so so lazy! ARgh! What's gotten into me! Sad Sad! Anyone know a cure??? 

It seems so near yet so far. 4papers in a week then i'm done! As much as i want it to come by fast, i indeed need more time to study! Yikes! Shall start burning the oil now on!!! hopefully i'll pass all!!!! Sighs... WOrried!

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