May 08, 2007


What's wrong with the world? Or rather what's wrong with the people in these world?Does the word LOVE actually means anything anymore? That's something I'm really curious to find out!

For example, when a guy tells a girl '' he loves her!'' and vice versa, does it actually mean anything? Is it really serious or something made out just to please the opposite gender?

What i dont understand nowadays is how can people recover so fast from a break-up? Fast as in less than a month kinda fast, more like 2 weeks kinda fast or worst...a week!!!
I mean, logically, if you loved the person so much, how can you just get over it and start hunting for the next ''victim''? Wouldn't that be in-human? Especially to your ex?

Why ar? Why? Why? why? Gosh i thank god that he has blessed me with a mind to think logically and therefore, i will never do such a thing to my ex or anyone for that matter. Its torture wei! If you can love your pets why cant you love your friends as well? I mean, your ex's are your friends right?That's how it all started right?

Oh well, for ****** i wish you all the best! I hope that there will be a stop to it! That they will be a predator consuming their prey so that LOVE can gain its true meaning once again! :p

Ps : yes yes, i know, in our world, things like these are common. Then again, this is my blog and i get to type wtv i want to type! It's my thoughts and opinions!


Anonymous said...

well , some ppl may find it hard to get over a relationship. it's been 2 years since my break up and I'm still disorientated.

Anonymous said...

dont wry im on the same boat as you as well. its been 2 years. nah just dont get how someone can rush in a relationship just after 2 weeks of break up...