July 02, 2008

Vietnam trip!!!

Location : Vietnam
Date : 13th June 2008 (yes yes i know its been quite long d )

Right after i got back from Redang, went out with fira and sam the next day to help fira shop for her NS stuff. Flew off on the very next day. And i kinda didnt know that i'm not supposed to be taking pictures when we're flying..woops..wont do it again! :)

In the plane, heading towards the departure gate..
Malaysia from the top :)
CLouds!!! i love clouds! its so lovely aint it?

Mekong river. Remember in Geography we learned that 'sg. mekong berliku-liku'? I finally got it on cam. Lovely aint it?

Ho Chi Minh city from the top :)

Opera house (under contruction though)
I wanted to take a shot at the bicycly with an engine (sry not sure if it can be seen)

Food :
Prawns! Yummy!



Salad with fish wrapped with rice paper

Clams cooked with liquor! Yummy!

Praws hanging from a coconut with flames! :)

Some shell thing, cant rmbr whats it called now..ahaha!

Crabbie!!!! :)

The restaurant wiht all the yummy seafood!

Dad's bday gift from his office staff!

Cake given by his office staffs! didnt manage to get a shot of his other cake before its been eaten! :(

Boarding back home to KL

Something i took from the business lounge! :) its super cute k!

Overall, its a really good trip. We went over because it was father's day and dad's birthday. I insisted we would go because if i were to leave to uk this year, i wont be able to celebrate this next year with him. Teehee! Signing off now. Toodles!

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