I'm currently staying in a new house with my lovely housemates from the christian union/church. They are nice,polite,kind,lovely etc housemates. This doesnt mean they have no flaws! They are messy, untidy, scatty, always bringing people over to the house.... In the first 2 weeks, they managed to break 4 out of 8 glasses, a mug, a curry jar and broke a spoon? They take ages to get things done(kwai lo habit?). I was the one who had to settled the internet because they didnt realised that changing phone number ie, need to tell broadband provider to get internet. They thought it would magically appear -.-
Dont get me wrong, i do love them. Just some bits of them gets me annoyed - tolerable so far :) 6 policeman came by the house the other day at 5am because one of my mates were scared that someone(possibly a drunkard fresher) was trying to enter for 20mins. Police came knocking on all individual doors. Were bit freaked out but all's good now :)
How's everyone's week doing? Apart from all this little stuff, everything here is good! XD